Best Chicken defense gun

I woke up at 2 am to clucking and screaming chickens to find a stupid fox trying to get in my hen house. I grabbed my pistol nad went outside to defend the hens but their are other houses nearby soni thought it would be foolish to fire. I want this nasty fox dead! Maybe should I use a shotgun? So the pellets won't penetrate the coop and hurt my hens??
I have a 20ga.
Or should I set up traps for it?
I would set up a dead fall trap or a small game spring trap but there is a chance it will get more than asked for but have it so it can be covered or removed and the chickens will be safe.
If you are worried about shooting it because you are too close to neighbor's, have you thought about taking up archery? A bow and arrow won't make that noise. You will have to practice though, so that your aim get's good.
Arrows will go next door I'd you are too close had a wild cat chase down my chicks one day I have a junior archery set and that was even too strong lol goes like 60ft
I woke up at 2 am to clucking and screaming chickens to find a stupid fox trying to get in my hen house. I grabbed my pistol nad went outside to defend the hens but their are other houses nearby soni thought it would be foolish to fire. I want this nasty fox dead! Maybe should I use a shotgun? So the pellets won't penetrate the coop and hurt my hens??
I have a 20ga.
Or should I set up traps for it?
If you don’t have a dog maybe try sprinkling cayenne pepper on the ground around the chicken coop. Cayenne pepper doesn’t bother chickens.
We did all kinds of research when we had a fox issue and tried traps for a long time to no avail. Box traps were useless, and we never got one with hidden leg traps no matter where we put them. Hubby bought a .22 rifle at Walmart. Even IF you caught the fox, you have to dispatch it. Can't take it elsewhere and leave it as someone else's problem. They are horrible...
Recently we were really suprised at what that rifle could do. We have bees and a large black bear got into one of the hives in the middle of the night twice. We suited up and ran out and managed to save the hive and queen just barely both times.
We had gotten the stuff for electric fencing INSIDE THE FENCE ALREADY THERE, and we had motion alarms, but the bear got in anyway. We couldn't install the elec. fence until the weekend. About a week later, after the new elec. fence was installed and working, sure enough the bear came back again in the middle of the night. It was in back up the hill at the woods treeline, just heading into our yard. This time the dog was barking and growling, and hubby didn't even get dressed. He grabbed the gun which we had at the ready, and ran out the back door and aimed at glowing eyes in the dark. Boom.
The bear moaned and ran away. A couple days later there was the most HORRID smell all around the area. We could smell it in the house and drive too. This big bear had gone only a short way into the woods and died! It took a week of terrible smell, but soon the thing was only bones.
The point is we were gobsmacked that the gun had actually killed this huge nuisance bear, and from quite a few yards, but happy it did. Hubby didn't think it would for a bear.
We had the bear on game camera and not only had it gotten our bees but it was bold, coming right up to the house and even up to the dining room windows and looking in. NOT sorry at all that he was blasted to kingdom come.
We're not keen on shooting animals, but you have to protect your livestock and pets, and home.

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