Best chicken for little kids?

Breed may not be all that important beyond representatives being small enough to handle for a kid. I would like clean feathering on legs to help keep hands clean. Breed pictured is extremely variable in terms of flightiness. Most of the variability is due how the bird is handled before brought into contact with kids.

I wouldn't let any child hold a chicken unless they were wearing safety glasses. Last year my BO pecked a 1/4" scratch on my eye. It missed the cornea by a hair. Last weekend, one of my Serama chicks almost did the same except I knew to keep that eye closed when he walked up onto my chest. I have a red mark on my eyelid. Eyes look like big shiny cherries. I keep $1 store safety glasses around the house.
I wouldn't let any child hold a chicken unless they were wearing safety glasses. Last year my BO pecked a 1/4" scratch on my eye. It missed the cornea by a hair. Last weekend, one of my Serama chicks almost did the same except I knew to keep that eye closed when he walked up onto my chest. I have a red mark on my eyelid. Eyes look like big shiny cherries. I keep $1 store safety glasses around the house.
That's what's wrong with the world today. Bunch of helicopter parents turning out these mundane and sheltered children. Back in my day, if you got your eye pecked out by a chicken, it was a wonderfully distinctive badge of honor. Might even earn you a cool nickname, like "chicken eye", or lead to a life of piracy on the high seas. Risk makes individuals, removing risk makes for a bunch of really boring people.
That's what's wrong with the world today. Bunch of helicopter parents turning out these mundane and sheltered children. Back in my day, if you got your eye pecked out by a chicken, it was a wonderfully distinctive badge of honor. Might even earn you a cool nickname, like "chicken eye", or lead to a life of piracy on the high seas. Risk makes individuals, removing risk makes for a bunch of really boring people.

I’m the one who got an eye pecked and I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy let alone a child. It was beyond painful. There’s a big difference between being a helicopter parent and putting a child in harms way. That’s why we hold their hands when crossing the street or in a supermarket parking lot.
Imagine the lawsuit if a kid’s cornea was involved and their sight was impacted permanently.
I’m the one who got an eye pecked and I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy let alone a child. It was beyond painful. There’s a big difference between being a helicopter parent and putting a child in harms way. That’s why we hold their hands when crossing the street or in a supermarket parking lot.
Imagine the lawsuit if a kid’s cornea was involved and their sight was impacted permanently.
While it's unfortunate your eye got pecked, I have to agree to a point that some children are beyond sheltered. Worrying about holding a chicken is a parental fear that isn't even on the radar of many parents, and for good reason. There are far greater dangers out there, such as busy roads or swift moving water. I actually feel sorry for the parents who worry so much about the little dangers, as well as feel sorry for their children. Accidents happen, to every child. It's a normal and healthy part of life.

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