Best Chicken Names

My dominant rooster is an EE, named Carl. The other roosters are Domino (cross between a Brahma and a cuckoo Marans), Rudy (a red EE), Max (short for Maximilian, a silkie) and Jack, a White Crested Black Polish.

The ladies? Too many to list!! Here are a few: Molly, Delilah, Samantha, Beth, Punkin, Grace, Madge, Alice,..... About 50 of 'em.
Well, my best chicken's name is Einsteina. I got a white crested black polish and named it Einstein because I thought it was a he. It was a she, so she became Einsteina! Lol!
Nice way if improvising
Nugget, Henny Penny, Corneal Sanders (okay that's a bit cruel), Chelsea, Speckles, bawker, Lorenzo, Gigi, Ginger, Zoey, Cock, Bubbles, fluffy, lady gaga, Kenyan, Nicki, emmie, Eggy, Peggy, Heels, Wonder Woman, heels, sparkles, Mimi, Clicker, Navy, Toaster, Barrel, Sider, Carmel, and Minty.

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