Best Egg Layer for East Texas


10 Years
Jun 4, 2009
New Caney, Texas
Hey y'all! I have all kinds of chickens: black stars, red stars, cockoo marans, wellsummers, americaunas, golen laced wyandottes, blue andalusians, buff orpingtons and none of them lay regularly. They are healthy, have plenty of hi quality feed & fresh water daily, grit, clean conditions, safe... these birds are pampered! I refer to them as myfeathered freeloaders. Out of 35 hens I get only 9-11 eggs per day. I believe it may be the climate and was wondering what breeds are producing well for my neighbors here in east Texas.

I've had good luck with my RIR's. They lay well. I've gotten 470 eggs so far this year with 10 girls.They never slowed down during the winter.

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