Best feed for older hens?


11 Years
Oct 6, 2011

Should senior hens be fed a different feed? I read layer crumbles are better for them. Currently I feed mine Scratch and Peck naturally free layer whole grain feed and have for 2 or more years.

My senior hen is about 9 or almost 10 and has started laying again (not daily). But her eggs have been shelless. Today she laid one that was shelless and didn't even have anything in it. I had to help her and pull it out of her vent (it was an empty white membrane).

I read shelless eggs can be a calcium issue but I let her free range and give her oyster shells.

Should I change her feed? What can I do to support her? I'm going to the feed store today. :)
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Layer feed is meant for hens actively laying eggs, many eggs. Other birds, young, old, males, and females not laying eggs, all do better on an all-flock feed, with oyster shell in a separate dish for the laying hens in the flock.
Some birds fed a whole seed type feed will select the yummy stuff out of the mix, and as a result eat an unbalanced diet, which is never good. Some people ferment or wet this sort of feed, which helps get the birds to eat more of it, and hopefully get the vitamin/ mineral mix that's more like dust in the feed.
Your old hen might be having issues with her diet, and/ or be having problems with her 'egg works'.
Also consider a Non-Medicated Starter-Grower 18 to 20%.
I've fed it for a few months, because the All-Flock was sold out.
It's actually a dollar cheaper than the All-Flock.
I offer Oyster Shells in a separate container.
My 22 months old Barred Rocks lay strong shells.

Layer feed is meant for hens actively laying eggs, many eggs. Other birds, young, old, males, and females not laying eggs, all do better on an all-flock feed, with oyster shell in a separate dish for the laying hens in the flock.
Some birds fed a whole seed type feed will select the yummy stuff out of the mix, and as a result eat an unbalanced diet, which is never good. Some people ferment or wet this sort of feed, which helps get the birds to eat more of it, and hopefully get the vitamin/ mineral mix that's more like dust in the feed.
Your old hen might be having issues with her diet, and/ or be having problems with her 'egg works'.

Thank you! Would you say I should I switch to an all-flock feed then? I have tried wetting the whole grain feed but she doesn't seem to like it that way.

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