Best Gift Ever Received

well, that would be my awesome, loving family..i have the gift of knowing that i am always matter what...IMO thats the best gift ever...,Wendy
I received a great online mother, A great family, scratching off girlfriend, and a great turnaround from bad luck to good luck.

Also another great present is having you guys as my best friends

ETA: had to scratch out girlfriend since I am now single again
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We didn't have a lot of money when I was a kid (early 1980's), so I was totally surprised to get a Barbie dream house! I played with it almost daily for many years. After I was grown, my mom confessed to me that she had bought it at a garage sale. At first I was disappointed, but then I realized the effort she had put in cleaning it up and making it so nice that I never knew the difference. That Barbie dream house is still in the family and I've helped my mom clean it up two more times. About 15 years ago we gave it to my nieces and a couple of years ago it went to my cousins. If I ever have a little girl, it will be hers.
My parents divorced when I was very young. My father wasn't much help, emotionally or financially. We were dirt poor. My mother remarried a great guy shortly after.
One Christmas I remember, I was 5 or 6, there weren't many toys under the tree, but we did get these awesome wooden blocks. They had abc's and 123's on them. Some where brightly colored, some were plain wood. You could build with them and everything. By far the coolest gift. I found out years later that my stepfather had spent every spare moment (from his 15hr 7 days a week job) he had carving, sanding, painting and polishing all those blocks by hand from scratch. It makes me cry just thinking about it. The love a man can have for children that aren't biologically his is really something amazing.

As an adult, I would have to say the best 'gifts' I've received were from my husband. They are my sons and I love them more than life itself.
Ah Sterling. You are so right - I have that kind of love for my step kids. They are both really beautiful, kind, loving, funny people and have so much potential they have yet to see. I love it when I hear stories like that about step parents! We aren't ALL bad!
Yes, I am very lucky to have my Dad. The man would give you the shirt off his back in negative degree weather. He can be a real a$$ at times, but I accept him for who he is because he loves me and my brothers.
My new pond.
I've always had those little 100 & 200 gallon pre formed ponds (2 of them) and kept goldfish in them. Frogs got in one so it's just a frog pond now.
I'd always wanted a koi pond and this past summer got 4 koi for the 200gallon pond thinking they'd probably die since I hadn't raised any before and heard they were hard to do.
Amazingly they all did great and grew and GREWWWWWWW. They were much too large for the pond but I didn't dare want to ask for another pond because dh had spent so much time and effort putting the other 2 in. I came home from work one afternoon and my sweetest hubby had a friend from work come with his back hoe and dig me an 8,000 gallon 30'X25.5' pond.
He and the kids and I did everything by hand to finish it afterward, and I got 2 of my koi in before the cold weather hit and several goldfish too. The other koi and goldfish will have to move in the spring.
I just thought it was the best present I'd ever gotten because he did it without me even asking and the kids were so willing to help with laying the liner and all the heavy rocks.

SterlingAcres- Your story has made my day and certainly warmed my heart by reading it. What an awesome step dad! You are blessed

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