best guard animal for lynx?


Apr 20, 2020
100 mile house, BC, Canada
hey so on my farm i have been loosing ALOT of ducks to lynx in the last few months (20 ducks all female except 1 drake dead in 2 months due to lynx) now that the lynx are gone (4 different individuals) we have another hawk hanging around. i am fed up with lynx and with the very few ducks i have left, i want to protect them. i want some sort of animal that can stop both hawks and lynx (along with the foxes, yotes, owls and wolves who come along) so i want to know what you think. i free range them and keeping them in the fence just makes them easier to corner allowing them to kill even more. i cannot fully cover the run as it is HUGE so i think an animal that would protect them would be best. i am wondering how well geese and guineas work or would they last long? have alot of land so could get something like a donkey or goats but i dont think that would do much against hawks. i have a dog but she is a rescue that is scared of everything so i dont really want to get another dog. i wanna know what the best options are. thank you :)
i know that is probably the best option but i dont have the time to train up a new puppy, and i already have a dog (she is really scared of everything so is useless with guarding)
Maybe some Malay chickens? They're good flock protectors, & hawk fighters. The roosters get upto 3ft tall, & 11-15lbs.
Malays are winter hardy. I'm getting some from a breeder in Ohio.
i was just reading about them and i keep seeing that they are bad in the cold. here is a quote
Malays Can Fight Anything … Except the Cold
Though these birds would kick a hot summer in the face without getting their feathers ruffled, the same can not be said of their reaction to the cold. Malays just don’t have the feathering to make it through a cold winter.
not to mention they would be just to hard to get in canada (probably for this reason)
i was just reading about them and i keep seeing that they are bad in the cold. here is a quote
Malays Can Fight Anything … Except the Cold
Though these birds would kick a hot summer in the face without getting their feathers ruffled, the same can not be said of their reaction to the cold. Malays just don’t have the feathering to make it through a cold winter.
not to mention they would be just to hard to get in canada (probably for this reason)
Yes, that's what most places say about Malays, but I can post the breeder for you if you have questions.

It's just an idea.

Hopefully someone else will have other suggestions.
Yes, that's what most places say about Malays, but I can post the breeder for you if you have questions.

It's just an idea.

Hopefully someone else will have other suggestions.
okay yeah, i am very hesitant getting more poultry especially expensive ones as the larger predators like to just kill as many as they can. i have gone outside and seen predators surrounded by dead birds. lynx are the problem right now but the foxes, coyotes and wolves have all done a number on my birds.
okay yeah, i am very hesitant getting more poultry especially expensive ones as the larger predators like to just kill as many as they can. i have gone outside and seen predators surrounded by dead birds. lynx are the problem right now but the foxes, coyotes and wolves have all done a number on my birds.
Only predators we had problems with were a weasel, & Skunk.

I wouldn't be getting Malays if they weren't winter hardy. We can get below zero in Michigan occasionally, & Ohio.

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