best guard animal for lynx?

They work best as pest control, with ridding mice, & rats.

I haven't yet had a hawk attack on my flock, so the screaming must have to be some sort of deterrent.
yeah, i dont have any problem with mice and rats because we have a resident great grey owl (who leaves my birds alone) that takes care of those. the farm has ALOT of ravens constantly overhead so i would wonder if they would either scream all day or become complacent and let a hawk go by. also as stated before, penning just lets the predators corner them better. when penned the ermine move in and eliminate ALL of them :/
yeah, i dont have any problem with mice and rats because we have a resident great grey owl (who leaves my birds alone) that takes care of those. the farm has ALOT of ravens constantly overhead so i would wonder if they would either scream all day or become complacent and let a hawk go by. also as stated before, penning just lets the predators corner them better. when penned the ermine move in and eliminate ALL of them :/
Hardware cloth will prevent small animals such as weasels from getting in. If the run has a heavy duty roof, the predators can't get through.
Personally, I think you are out of luck as far as an animal guarding them, especially since you have land and ariel predators. A donkey won't care about flying predators. Ducks are pretty much just "sitting ducks", not being able to fly, and not being fast runners they really have NO chance.

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