Best gun for varmints

My husband bought me a 22 Rugar handgun. It uses 22 long rifle bullets, but also you can get a bullet that has pellets in it to get a wider circumferance.

I am handicapped, so it was important to me to have a gun that I could actually pull the trigger and would not have too much kick.

The pellet bullets do not have too much penetration and I do not think they would stop a turtle, but they would stop something little and fairly soft like a snake or rat.

And it is good for personal protection also. I like it. But it is for me, not my husband. I'll ask him what he likes to use.

It is also rather pretty, but perhaps you would not care.

I'll ask him about what shotgun he likes for varmints.

Thanks largely to the information obtained in this thread, I am now the proud owner of a Ruger 10/22LR Carbine, obtained for the the grand price of $197 at a Texas Walmart (the Oklahoma stores were apparently sold out due to Texans crossing the boarder to take advantage of our more lax gun laws).

I tested it out on some tin cans on the Back 40 (well, Back 4). I figured I had gotten rusty over the years, but not that rusty. Fired 10 shots and missed every time. The cans were still standing. So, I reloaded and tried again, finally knocking one off after another 3 rounds. I went to check my handiwork, and found the cans full of holes. Apparently these high velocity rounds passed right through the cans without knocking them over. I felt much better. So, I went to try it out on the turtles.

Let's just say the duck has been avenged.

Tonight I put the scope on and will take it out tomorrow morning for some more practice. I've always wondered what it would be like to use one. Those cans had better get out of Dodge. There's a new sheriff in town.
Soon I will get an actual target.

Wife wants to join me in the AM. She has been pushing me to buy something like this for years. I reckon by the time she's done I'll be the second best shot in my household.

It occurred to me at some point this afternoon, this was the first time I had fired a weapon since my separation from the Marine Corps in 1976. The last weapon I fired was probably an M-60 Machinegun. Where has the time gone?

Anyway, thanks a lot, folks. It was due to your recommendations and a couple of good friends on another site that I took the leap. You might say it's all your fault.
Oh, good. Watch out, cans!

My husband says those bullets I was talking about are called shot bullets. They cover a larger area, but do not pack as much punch.

I think I got that name of them right, anyway.

Your wife should have her OWN gun. I do recommend my 22 Rugar Bearcat.

Um, it was expensive.

As I said I am somewhat handicapped, so I need a gun that doesn't knock me over. When I tried my husband's 9 mm, let's just say, I won't do it again.

(I am not trying to say that your wife is handicapped, just that the Rugar is a nice gun.)

I'll have to tell my husband what you got. He is interested in guns and target practice.

We trapped another raccoon last night. My gosh. You need a lot to keep these feathery little guys safe.

Well, she can have any gun she wants any time she wants it. Let's see if she actually enjoys shooting, first.

If she doesn't, then she'll learn to shoot well enough with this one. This thing doesn't have much kick, though. Nice little gun. I've almost gone through a hundred rounds already since 5:00 last night, mostly for target pracice.

Folks mentioned getting a shotgun next. And I will, probably in a year or so, but another friend recommended the below little dandy. This appeals to me a lot more, because I get the best of both worlds... a shotgun/boy-toy crossover.

Plus it's something I could carry around with me when I'm working in the back area that doesn't have the carrying distance of a standard pistol. I don't have anybody living behind me for miles, but do have folks living fairly close on both sides and across the road. That is constantly in the back of my mind when I'm out with that rifle, and I'm very careful to make sure I am only aiming toward the back.

With one of these I could relax a little bit.
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This has been a very interesting thread
Very glad to read that you are practicing so much... Shot placement is CRITICAL when using a .22. One other piece of advice-- get a good gun clening set for your new .22- fouling will cause your accuracy to go downhill rapidly!
Have fun with your new "Farm Implement" wonder if you could write ot off on your taxes??
lol.. I use several different weapons here .22 .410 shotgun 12ga shotgun They all work wonders to protect my whole extended family of chicks, chickens, ducks, ducklings, goats, and one special bunny
Have a safe and wonderful 4th of July weekend!
Yeah, we need a good humane trap, as well. I'd rather not kill things unless it is necessary. I like wild critters as long as they aren't killing my animals. It's one reason we moved where we did.
Tonight I put the scope on and will take it out tomorrow morning for some more practice. I've always wondered what it would be like to use one. Those cans had better get out of Dodge. There's a new sheriff in town. Soon I will get an actual target.

It will be a LOT easier to adjust your scope with a paper target.
Shoot from a solid rest when getting it zeroed in.

And try several brands of 22 cartridges. All guns have a "preference" for one brand over another, and the difference in accuracy can be amazing

Congratulations of buying one of the best guns ever made!​

It will be a LOT easier to adjust your scope with a paper target.
Shoot from a solid rest when getting it zeroed in.

And try several brands of 22 cartridges. All guns have a "preference" for one brand over another, and the difference in accuracy can be amazing

Congratulations of buying one of the best guns ever made!

I didn't know you were a fellow "gun nut". We should get together and do some shooting.


It will be a LOT easier to adjust your scope with a paper target.
Shoot from a solid rest when getting it zeroed in.

And try several brands of 22 cartridges. All guns have a "preference" for one brand over another, and the difference in accuracy can be amazing

Congratulations of buying one of the best guns ever made!

I didn't know you were a fellow "gun nut". We should get together and do some shooting.


Sounds good to me!
I used to work at the gun shop in Ayden (for 6 years)

I made the mistake of taking Ellen deer hunting, and have had to buy her a couple of rifles just so I could get mine back

This is one she got with her black powder rifle:
My husband is a gun nut.

He wants to know if your new carbine is a semi-automatic or a single shot.

And I am pretty sure his trap is a Tomahawk. He says Havaheart traps are not as good but I forget why.

He was all interested in this thread, he mostly doesn't care what goes on in the chicken forum!


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