Best hatchery for cornishX

ive got my last batch i have now form welps and doing good had to kill 2 one had a leg go out and the other one just didnt act right. but i dont have any bad things to say
Order from the closest hatchery. All the Cornish X chicks come from the same place anyway. Unless the problem is bad customer service, problems with a hatchery for one person don't translate into problems for another, unless the overall batch is bad, and in that case, it wouldn't matter which hatchery you went with because they'd all be getting bad birds.
Ordered 25 Cornish X's from McMurray...all arrived in great shape
and grew faaaast. When processed the USDA agent said they were some of the finest chickens he had seen.

Was extremely happy with my order from McMurray and will do it again this Spring.
Me too Mcmurray, "slow roasters" not a single problem and all made it even in the heat. ( they use the cob vantress cross)

The cornish cross from Ideal (hubbard strain) have been runts (mostly) and flip too easy. I have put them in a pen with no light, no feed at night and these are the only ones dead next morning.... about 2 per day!!! (i have other breeds and they are NOT dying, much smaller)

There are DIFFERENT breeds/strains of cornish cross. I have decided to breed my dark cornish and white rock roos over the same hens and throw in a few rir too for a mixed bag of meat mutts... my next batch (if ever) of meat birds will be in the spring and Mcmurrays only... But the Ideal egg layers are great for just egg birds and they do have excellent service too.

Ive had great luck with Hoovers in Iowa when i was a kid
last year i lost most of 30% from the 100 i ordered from Meyers last summer
the last few years ive ordered i ordered form the co-op in town im not sure what hatchery they get theirs from but ive only lost a few birds from them ill have to ask what hatchery they use

but most definitely if your getting CXs get them form the closest hatchery the less time they travel the better they do less stress. the cost may be more then some of the bigger names but the decrease in losses makes up for the price
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Another reason I asked is because my experience getting them from the local feed store was poor. The day they arrived they had all the preorders packed and ready to go. I get home, open the box, and three had deformed necks. I lost two overnight. I fed them well, there were no other health issues, but there were several 'runts'.
I received 103 Cornish X from Central Hatchery. 1 DOA
They where $.65 ea. plus 17.62 Shipping. $82.62 Total from Nebraska to Indiana.
I have lost none for health issues.
They ship anywhere.
I think only in larger numbers 50 or more??
Good luck!
I get mine from McMurray, but I think it really comes down to your management practices more than anything. If you let them eat all they want, their legs give out.

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