Best Hatchery for EE'er egg color?


Dark Speckled Egg Lover
9 Years
Mar 9, 2010
No roosters allowed here so I have to go with a hatchery. I have several EE'ers- their egg color is such a washed out light blue it's almost white. Suggestions on which hatchery has a good line for darker pretty blue/green colored eggs would be very much appreciated, thank you!!
I have received chicks from McMurray, Mt Healthy, and Ideal. With McMurry, it was a long time ago... plus 15 years. I received about 25 from them. Most of them were a pretty blue or greenish blue. I got about two pinkish brown eggs.

I then ordered from Mt Healthy a few years ago. With theirs, it was about half blue/or blueish green. The the other half were medium brown or a pinkish brown. I did get one hen that lays a brown egg with purple spots! I still have her. She lays about 5 eggs a week now.

Last May, I ordered from Ideal. All of the EE's so far have laid a pretty blue or greenish blue eggs. They have laid really big eggs to start out with.
How funny, I have some from Mt Healthy and one lays a purple-ish colored egg too! There are two that lay a very light blue, almost white egg, and the other two lay light brown. I'd really love to get some that lay a darker blue or greenish blue.
Ideal Hatchery, green to bluish green eggs, all sorts of plumage colors .. white, buff, red black, partridge, silver and had a couple of blues as well.
Ideal Hatchery, green to bluish green eggs, all sorts of plumage colors .. white, buff, red black, partridge, silver and had a couple of blues as well.

EweSheep are you still here you dont remember me,i used tobe wyndot55.
I have one EE from Ideal that lays a nice blue/green egg. One from Mt. Healthy that lays a nice blue egg and another from Mt. Healthy that lays a nice big pink egg with purple spots. I have more EE's coming both from Ideal and Mt. Healthy next week, I like my Ideal hen alot since she has a nice big full beard, but neither one of my Mt. Healthy EE's have beards but one (blue egg) has been laying all winter. I want a nice mixed flock so I went with both sources.

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