Best Incubator and Turner for Call Duck Eggs?


10 Years
May 1, 2009
Rockford MI
My Coop
My Coop
I have had a lot of trouble with hatching my Call Duck eggs, including ones I have had shipped, and ones laid by my own birds. I currently have a Little Giant foam incubator with a computer fan that my husband installed and I hand turn the eggs three times a day. I can barely leave the house without the stupid thing having the temp swing way up or down and needing to be adjusted. Out of 6-8 egg batches I am usually lucky to get 2-3 ducklings. I would like to avoid having to hand turn the eggs. I will never have a ton of eggs with the 4-5 laying hens I will have next year so don't need a huge cabinet type incubator. What is your favorite small-mid sized incubator/turner for Call Duck eggs, other than a broody hen of course...
What is the big difference between the Brinsea Octagon 20 Eco and Advance? The EX is just way too expensive for me to consider right now. I would want to get it with the turner though. Is it worth it to get the Advance over the Eco for Call Duck Eggs?
R-Com king suro is good too.
It has auto turner and auto temp & humidity control too. You just set the temp and humidity and leave it for 25 days, until lockdown.
Quite easy.
I hatched goose eggs well with r-com. I am setting duck eggs now and I don't know how well they will hatch yet.
Also, R-com Suro is cheaper than Brinsea EX for the same functions and size.

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