Best incubator for me...and the winner is...

Yes it is a cabinet, and a cabinet can hatch one egg or 200. The OP wanted input on a good solid incubator. I have never used a better one that was my input.

Steve in NC

I've heard they're excellent. It just seems a bit...overkill for the circumstances.

I'm sure the OP will get the right incubator that works for them

Drum Roll Please
The TX - 7! thank you all for your help we ended up really liking the look and reviews of the TX although I have no doubt that they are all great.

Not planning on putting eggs in until mid - late December (if I can wait that long
) I will def be posting pics and the whole experience. I'm so excited!

---Steve_of_sandspoultry: We have friends who are getting into poultry and want a cabinet incubator so I will show them this thanks! We live in a little house (574sf) so the more space I can save the better!

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