Best Integration Methods?

Once I was adding chicks to a flock. And they peep all the time, and run crazy and I swear, my rooster finally could not take it any more and just jumped up and down and Huffed. Instant silence, dead run to the safe zone. He looked just like a dad with his hands on his hips.

He had had it, I laughed till I cried.

Mrs K
I let my hens out into a large area with tall grass sorrounded with a poultry net and litter the ground with cherrios and watermelon (All of the chickens favorites) then I put the chicks in there and let them mingle. For the first hour They just eat then later they start to establish a new pecking order. At night I have to put the chicks on the roosts because they don't know How to get in the coop
Apart from what everyone says, breed matters. In my experience, Lohman Brown (a type of red sex links) are the worst bullies.

Cochin LF are supposedly very mellow, so I would be worried that they'd be bullied if the other chickens are of other breeds that aren't said to be as mellow. So I would integrate carefully.

The 1st time I had to integrate, I'd had the newcomer, a rooster, in quaranteen for two weeks, in sight of the six hens. When I tured him with them, it took him about 10 seconds to breed one; no problems ever.
I would not bother using the "see, don't touch" method if I were to integrate a rooster into an all-hen flock. It seems redundant. Quarantine is good, though.
That's how I did. I had a BO and ISAB. About 18 months old. Grew up together. Got along fine. No pecking order. And I put my 2 SLW right in with them. My ISAB became the head chicken. And still is. She is slowly getting better. And the 2 SLW just stay out of her way. I check crops every night and my 2 SLW always have full crops. IDK.
I do think breed plays a big part but I recently add 4 seramas hen/pullets in with my silkies. Quarantine was worst than intergration, the serama hens bullied the pullets and the poor girls are missing so tail feathers. When I put the seramas in the coop I had my husband install higher roost as the seramas fly and the silkies don't but it wasn't needed. I put them in and they went over to the water, feeder and then started dust bathing and within in minutes the silkies joined then in the dust, I guess in chicken world a family that grooms together stays together :DIt was just another day in the neighbor hood no bickering at all.
I love the look your silkie roo is giving the serama pullet in the second pic :lol: so cute!
Our original flock is very peaceful but contains no white birds. We tried to integrate 4 white birds and 1 that's ginger and blue. The ginger and blue one has been accepted no problem, even though she's a Silkie. The 4 white (non Silkie) birds are still needing their own separate space after 6 months or they are the recipients of some nasty comb pecking. I'm hoping when we move house and they are in a completely new space everyone just gets over it. :fl

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