Best Integration Methods?

I'm looking to do a reverse integration also. I've got 15 amberlink and 12 sapphire gem pullets hatched 11/19/18, they're 8 wks but due to temperatures I've had to err on the side of babying them vs freezing them, but in a few weeks they'll be phased off the heat altogether. The older birds are 4 naked neck pullets from 3/26/18 who've been laying since this past august. Right now they're in adjacent runs. I plan to put up more escape areas/obstacles, and could use the yard (.3 acre). Any thoughts? The turkens are fairly docile but have been somewhat vocal about the babies. The babies are very tame and also known for being docile, and will mature at 4-5 lbs, smaller than the turkens I think.
Once I was adding chicks to a flock. And they peep all the time, and run crazy and I swear, my rooster finally could not take it any more and just jumped up and down and Huffed. Instant silence, dead run to the safe zone. He looked just like a dad with his hands on his hips.

He had had it, I laughed till I cried.

Mrs K
Once I was adding chicks to a flock. And they peep all the time, and run crazy and I swear, my rooster finally could not take it any more and just jumped up and down and Huffed. Instant silence, dead run to the safe zone. He looked just like a dad with his hands on his hips.

He had had it, I laughed till I cried.

Mrs K

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