Best Natured Rooster?

Why are Rhode Islands getting such a bad rap? I have a Rhode Island Red rooster that I got this past summer at about 5 months of age and he has been just wonderful. He is a great watcher and caretaker. He pretty much keeps the peace between the girls as well. He tries to be a gentleman most of the time, but he is young so he forgets his manners sometimes. He did challenge me once when we were getting to know each other, but I let him know that I was the boss and he has been great since. I just love him, plus he is so gorgeous!
Rockin' Reds :

Why are Rhode Islands getting such a bad rap? I have a Rhode Island Red rooster that I got this past summer at about 5 months of age and he has been just wonderful. He is a great watcher and caretaker. He pretty much keeps the peace between the girls as well. He tries to be a gentleman most of the time, but he is young so he forgets his manners sometimes. He did challenge me once when we were getting to know each other, but I let him know that I was the boss and he has been great since. I just love him, plus he is so gorgeous!

You know I don't really know, I thought it was just like an old wives tell, most of the older folks say that a red rooster is the worst. LOL
but its funny that it should happen this way but the meanest well really the only Really Mean Roo I've had is a RED Silkie! I know not quite a RIR , just the red part.
But on the flipside of that I have 2 of his sons (both Red) and they are Respectful if not sweeties.​
You know I don't really know, I thought it was just like an old wives tell, most of the older folks say that a red rooster is the worst. LOL
but its funny that it should happen this way but the meanest well really the only Really Mean Roo I've had is a RED Silkie! I know not quite a RIR , just the red part.
But on the flipside of that I have 2 of his sons (both Red) and they are Respectful if not sweeties.

Red = fiery I suppose. I'm a redhead and have been accused of being hot tempered a time or two.
You know I don't really know, I thought it was just like an old wives tell, most of the older folks say that a red rooster is the worst. LOL
but its funny that it should happen this way but the meanest well really the only Really Mean Roo I've had is a RED Silkie! I know not quite a RIR , just the red part.
But on the flipside of that I have 2 of his sons (both Red) and they are Respectful if not sweeties.

I would love to have a RIR roo. I decided to avoid it because of the rep.

I wonder if it is like pit bulls.. Bad rep because of irresponsible owners?
My rooster is a BANTAM COCHIN WHITE FRIZZLE, named BLIZZARD. Extremely protective over all 8 of his hens. Chases and jumps on any cat or ground squirrel he sees anywhere on our acre and can run very very fast. But so friendly to me and is always jumping on my lap when I sit down in one of the Adirondack chairs on the patio to get pets, but never takes his eyes off of the girls. I let them free range all day from morning until they come in for the nite. He stands on the patio to make sure they have all gone in before he goes in. Such a gentleman. He is always catching them a lizard or finding treats for them and doing his happy dance around whatever he has found. Yesterday my sister came to visit and I had the front door open and the French doors open in the back, so all of the girls came thru the house and out the front door to find new bugs. When my sister drove up and got out of the car, he called to all of the girls to go back thru the house and he stood at the open front door making all sorts of racket to tell me someone was coming through the gate. I just love him to pieces.
My RIR rooster is the nicest rooster ever! He such a gentleman too! My EE Roos, on the other hand, is a whole other story! MEAN!

I read through this thread and what I am hearing is it varies greatly and the possible reasons vary greatly. I love hearing that SOMEONE has a nice RIR rooster. I have 3 roosters in my little flock of 10 and 13 week olds. Yes, I know that eventually one if not two will need to be removed. My favorite of the three is the RIR and I have allowed myself to get very attached to him. They are not fighting at this point but there is some chest bumping and squaring off with each other from time to time. The other two roosters are BR and a NH who seem at this point to submit to my RIR rooster. My RIR will pace the run at night back and forth until every pullet AND the other two roosters have gone inside. Then he goes in. I handled him some as a chick but didn't cuddle him. I realize he is a good way from hormones hitting him so at this point I am no longing trying to cuddle him. I just let him be but I talk to him. If he turns out to be mean, he will have to go and that is just a fact I accept. He is turning out to be one gorgeous rooster, beautiful tail feathers already and gorgeous deep red feathers coming in all over. He and the BR have been together since chicks and many times can be found snuggling together. I realize that once the hormones hit...all bets are off. I guess my real question is does it make sense to hang on to all three for awhile since good roosters can be hard to find. I will be able to separate if necessary. My plan is to build a small coop for future broody hens inside my pen but I do have a couple of very large dog crates in the interim if it became necessary to separate. All are hatchery stock because I didn't know better. For the most part everyone seems to get along reasonably well. Squabbling and a bit of chasing around....mostly seems to be pecking order stuff, no blood drawn. So I am thinking just give it some time and it will become obvious which rooster needs to go or which two roosters. Is that faulty thinking or wishful thing?

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