Best Organic Layer feed

Poop Cleaner

In the Brooder
Dec 13, 2015
I think I have narrowed it down to two options: modesto milling corn free soy free layer and scratch and peck also corn and soy free. Both only make organic.

Does anyone have experience with these feeds ad can chime in?

I have crossed off nutrena and bar ale as they seem to have inferior ingredients, but are more affordable. Are there brands i have missed?
I think I have narrowed it down to two options: modesto milling corn free soy free layer and scratch and peck also corn and soy free. Both only make organic.

Does anyone have experience with these feeds ad can chime in?

I have crossed off nutrena and bar ale as they seem to have inferior ingredients, but are more affordable. Are there brands i have missed?
We use Scratch and Peck corn/soy free and then let my chickens free range. I really love the quality of eggs we get using this feed and letting them free ranging. We have pretty much only used Scratch and Peck, although we did use a lesser quality brand before our hens were laying.
Where are you located? Here in CA scratch and peck is double the price per pound as Modesto milling, so I have been very hesitant to try it. Have you tried modesto milling and seen a difference in eggs?

I feel that ingredient wise both are very good. scratch and peck is slightly better as it is loose and not pellets so no binders or fillers (although modesto milling doesn't seem to have much by way of filler either).

Bar Ale and Nutrena are a step down for sure. im not sure what other feeds there are.
I started using Modesto Milling last spring and have been very pleased with my birds appearance as well as egg production and quality. I prefer the pellets or crumbles over a mix like Scratch and Peck, that way they don't pick out only what they like and leave the rest.
I have been happy with Modesto milling. I was using the corn and soy free, but since that is only available in 50lb bags (at least at the store I go to) I had to go back to the formula that includes soy (it comes in 25lb bags) because with only 4 hens, the 50lb bag is just too big for us.
Thank you both for your responses! Have either of you tried scratch and oeck as well,? Or the whole grain layer from midesto milling? How much feed do four hens consume per month or so? I was told a 50 lb bag will last four hens one month but it is startingvto look like it will last longer....
I have not tried Scratch and Peck itself but when I've used other mixes the birds do to much sorting and wasting. As far as how much 4 birds will consume? Depends a lot on their living conditions. Birds who have access for forage/pasture will eat less then birds only in a coop. Also depends on how much extra stuff you feed them in the way of treats, veggies etc. I currently only have 8 birds but a 50 pound bag lasts me much longer then a month, even in winter when there is no forage available and I don't feed a lot of extras.
I haven't tried Scratch & Peck. Though about it, but the only place local that carries it is much further from me than the place that carries Modesto, and Scratch & peck is more expensive. I honestly don't know how much my birds are consuming per month. The 50 pound bag was definitely lasting me much longer than a month, maybe as long as 10 weeks, and my girls are in a run with no forage and their crumbles are their main source of food. I read somewhere to account for about 1/4 pound of feed per hen per day, but that is just a guideline and not exact by any means. Going by that guideline, though, you would account for a pound of feed per day for 4 hens. A 25 pound bag of Modesto Mills crumble is lasting about 1 month with 4 girls (none of whom are laying at the moment).

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