Best place for my coop? Or none of these at all....


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 26, 2011
I am new to this...which one of these places in my backyard might be the best place to put a coop. I am looking at getting 3 hens. Probably 2 EE and 1 Buff Orpington.
Or 2EE and 1 Silkie. I am worried the silkie would get picked on though. I am going to have my dad and husband build me a coop from some plans. I am thinking it will be about 4x6.
You can see how close our neighbors are our lot is 0.13 acres. If getting chickens is just a bad idea all around due to the proximity of my neighbors, please let me
know. It wont hurt my feelings. I have seen several members on here that have chickens in really urban areas too. I went on a chicken tour in Raleigh a few weekends ago and many people lived in neighborhoods like ours. Thanks!



Yeah I would have my husband cut back some of the branches of the cypress trees so it could fit there.
We have close by neighbors too and placement was so hard to figure out! We're not allowed to have a chicken coop 15' near a property line so that took out the best places in our yard to put it. I'm not sure how well this chicken thing will work out (getting our chickens at the end of June), I guess we'll find out soon enough!
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Do you have a picture of your coop?
Do you have a back-up plan if your neighbors complain?
What kind of chicks are you getting?
The best spot is away from your house or the neighbor home. The chickens are making a lot of noise & smell during wet weather and can create conflict.
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See if you have like a County Extension Office, somebody there would know the do's and don'ts of chickens, might save you some time and they are packed with information about chickens.

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