Best places to buy Papaya seeds/cuttings?

Apr 30, 2022
I'm looking to grow dwarf papaya trees indoors. The only variety sells is called 'Sweet David', and I can't find any info on it (like if it's a dwarf variety). So it looks like I'll have to look elsewhere.

I don't know if any of you grow dwarf papaya trees or not, but if anyone has any experience with this advice would be appreciated.

Also, I grew papaya once (from a grocery store fruit). On a friend's advice I started the seeds in the fall and moved them out in the spring, when they were getting big, they fruited before the next fall. I got a couple of fruit but it wasn't a huge success, in hindsight, I should have hand-pollinated the flowers. I was later told that papayas have both male and female fruit and seeds, the male fruit is long, has few seeds and most of the plants from those seeds will be male with lots of flowers but few fruit. The female fruits are rounder with a more distinct seed cavity, and most of the seeds will grow into female plants with very good fruit but poor pollination, so you have to plant both.

Which may or may not be a load of manure, but some plants like kiwis do, actually have male and female plants, so it would be something to research???

Let us all know how it works out for you!
I have googled "dwarf papaya" before ,just for grins ,and found a few, both seeds and plants. Didn't buy any cause the Wife didn't want 'Em.
She's Filippina and knows how to grow papaya. if we lose a tree, we will just get a ripe fruit from the grocery store and plant the seeds from it. But we live in 9A and seldom have freezing temps, so we don't have that to deal with very often.

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