Best position last 3 days? on side or big end up? Now on day 20

Thanks for the input, I have a electronic thermostat and temps are accurate within 1/4 deg. I think it is high humidity the first 18 days and they are too big to turn around a cut thier way out.
They were due to hatch this afternoon and I have 48 that have hatched right on time and many more piping.
I will load another 140 eggs tomorrow and try again.
Trying to pefect my hatch rate.
My first hatch I held a temp at 100
and hum. at 45-50- and had 8 out
0f 9 hatch.I took them out on day 19 and laid them in their side,
with shelf liner on the wire,(rubber like) less mess.
after taking out the turner.
I have 90 that have hatched so far. I have 30 no pips at all.
They are all so big it has to be too high humidity for the first 18 days, The rest just cant move inside the shell. I cracked one open and it had piped into the air sack but was solid from top to bottom, and soft and mushy. All the yolk was absorbed.
Here are a few Pics.



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