Best Pots and Pans?

I can see Cast Iron is great for the actual cooking!

I would be bothered by the clean up though. Uggg. Thats why mother dear (ChooksinChoppers) you can be the only one to use your cast iron stuff.
Me, I've always wanted the stainless steel ones when I am on my own again. I think you can put those in the dishwasher? I would want pots and pans you can put in the dishwasher. Nothing worse than a sink full of gooey pots. I will also have to get me one of those super-duper dishwahsers....
Forumulating my plans... hrr hrrr hrr
Aaah Grasshopper,

You must grow into cooking not as work, but as art and love. When you transform into that mode then washing pots and pans and caring for the tools of your art becomes part of the art. Like keeping knives clean and sharp makes the process easier, the same goes for the care and cleaning of good heavy pans. And dishwashers: you have two, your two hands... The best pan washer there is. Leave the electric dishwasher for lazy people. Become one with your tools.
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bigmike&nan :

Aaah Grasshopper,

You must grow into cooking not as work, but as art and love. When you transform into that mode then washing pots and pans and caring for the tools of your art becomes part of the art. Like keeping knives clean and sharp makes the process easier, the same goes for the care and cleaning of good heavy pans. And dishwashers: you have two, your two hands... The best pan washer there is. Leave the electric dishwasher for lazy people. Become one with your tools.

Ah! A wise Sensei! But one who now has me scouring Ebay for descoware and possibly getting into bidding wars with everyone else who wants it! Very few were bidding on other brands of cast iron enameled peices, which tells me the Descoware is the better quality.
Now, Honorable so kind as to tell me whether my famous cream sauces would stick to this cookware?​

The wise chef uses Descoware or cast iron pans because they have VERY heavy bottoms that evenly distribute heat, thus reducing the likelihood of sauces, be they cream or pasta burning. We got our landlady to replace the stove last year - the landlady's handyman was not able to repair the old one - I went shopping with the handyman and chipped in half of the $700.00 for our new range. I learned right away which burners were good for bringing a sauce up to heat and then which smaller burner to move it to to do the reducing process...

Best of luck with your craft, it is a labor of love. I enjoy the look I see on my wife's face when she has a bite of something new I made and loves it, it never seems like work when folks enjoy my efforts like that.
Calphalon - I've had it 18 years and we had extremely hard water=ruins pans. Put the pans in a box, mail them back and in about a week you will receive brand new ones. No questions, no receipts. I will never buy Pampered Chef again. I have so many of their products, lured in by the "Lifetime" warranty. One pan in particular I have, costs $100. I called to get the address to return, I do not have the original receipt and cannot remember where I got it. It SAYS "Pampered Chef" on the bottom. They will not take it back. Where do they think I got it? Maybe manufactured it myself?! And, then I was told that with the receipt I can only get 1/2 credit as they do not makw that specifc pan anymore.

Calphalon. Great products.

Ahhh Wise Sensei!!

Mothers recipes are legendary......

She did post her lovely recipe for Pork Stir Fry... you make like to look at it!

For any other recipes... I think it would be akin to pulling teeth!
Ohh.. I simply thought it would be nice for those in love with nice sauces and such to fellowship in the joys of sauce.
Thats okay if you don't want to.

Your linkie worketh nottie.
Is that part of the test sensei? An insurmountable hurdle forcing me to conjeal a made-up concoction of my own? Because I have made some of those... and they are not always edible.. for humans, that is.
Sorry about that Squishy... Try this. Go click on my user name, you should be able to scroll down and see all TOPICS started by me - that's about 5 pages of recipes. Some of the ones on the first page are more recently posted or updated by someone.
Good luck and by the way it was nice going back and forth with you which is why I posted (shared) my recipe links, or hoped I was sharing them (ahem)...

Here's one that is great for a cast iron frying pan, a big one. It's a lot of fun to make this with your friends and let them make their own... Now go see what I'm talking about. Good Luck
And don't worry you don't have to rappel down from some ceiling or look like Tom Cruise to accomplish this mission, that is if you choose to accept it. LOL
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