"Best" Predator Deterrent??


8 Years
May 14, 2011
Shelton, WA
My Coop
My Coop
Hello BYC Gang,

I've been looking at all of your coop designs and seeing you all do different things to make sure predators don't get your precious babies....I would love to hear about each of your anit-predator methods, what you've tried, if it worked or failed, feedback, etc.

I've seen some of you do electric fencing along the bottoms of your coops...how has that worked out for you?

Thanks you guys!!
my grandad knew a man many years ago who was a hairdresser and he colected bags of hair and hung them around his coop and he never lost a hen to a fox ever
hope this helps
lots of welded wire /coop Knox I trap hard through trapping season and knock down the total number of preds around me the less I have to defend against the easier it is

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