best rooster breed?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Dec 30, 2011
West Central Illinois
if you were ordering one rooster for your flock what breed would you buy based on temperment, hardiness, etc? (Im only interested in standard/production breeds) Would like to hear others opinions.

I think one of the best-looking rooster breeds I've ever seen is in the Wyandotte family. It was a Silver-Laced. It quickly caught my attention at our primary school's fall festival. They had a "farm" section and someone had brought in a SLW rooster and hen for the kids to look at. It seemed to be very docile for a rooster. I can't speak for it's hardiness though.
I like my black australorp rooster Jet, he is very very sweet and is nicer then the hens.( only because I hold him a lot and give a lot of treats.)
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If from a hatchery I would order a buff orpington. I've had a cuckoo marans from mcmurray. He was a good rooster and great with the hens. He decided to try and spur me in the back one day and that night he was dinner. He was such a pretty bird. My sister has had hatchery wyandottes and new hampshires. So far her nicest mannered roosters have been the buff orpingtons.
I would be ordering from an online hatchery ...... I've had my mind set on RIR, NHR, BR or BO but open to anything.....just dont want anything considered a 'rare' or 'fancy' breed....right now only planning on 1 roo for a flock of around 15-20. considered getting two but I dont know if i'd run unto problems with two roos or not.
I think one of the best-looking rooster breeds I've ever seen is in the Wyandotte family. It was a Silver-Laced. It quickly caught my attention at our primary school's fall festival. They had a "farm" section and someone had brought in a SLW rooster and hen for the kids to look at. It seemed to be very docile for a rooster. I can't speak for it's hardiness though.

My thoughts exactly...
Ordering 2-3 roosters for your flock size is a good idea; the boys who grow up together seem to have a better working relationship. THe BO is likely to be submissive as they have such an easy going temperament. Good choice in roosters.

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