Best rooster breeds


In the Brooder
Mar 20, 2020
Hello everyone! I'm looking to bring a rooster into my flock. I'm hoping to get a rooster that is alert, friendly and somewhat docile so he doesn't year up my hens. From the research I've done Australorps and Brahma seem like good options. I'm just worried about size, I don't want them to potentially hurt my hens. I've also heard that welsummers are a good breed to. What do you all think? Thanks!
I forgot to add that the reason I want a rooster is mainly for protection of my flock. They will be free rangers for a portion of the day then in a coup and run. The next priority would be breeding for potential stock. I want my hens to feel safe and relaxed so they can lay to their potential
Im not sure about how good any rooster for full protection, there will always be a fox, raccoon, or hawk that gets a hen or two, if you live in that type of area. A rooster should help though, with warning calls for hawks, and other protective defenses, but they will never be able to REALLY keep predators away. Good breeds are
1. Jersey Giant
2. Brahma
3. EE/Americana
4. Rhode Island
5. Salmon Faverolles
6. Silverudds Blue
7. Welssummer
Ive never had problems with any of these breed attacking, or hurting hens or kids, except one EE that had BArred rock, RIR and Orpington blood in it.
I have 4 Roos, a B Jersey Giant, Lavender Orpington, Buckeye, and Midnight Majesty Marans. My Buckeye is a sweet lovable guy he is not confrontational at all so probably not my best protector. My lavender Orpington is a Gentle Giant, by far the largest of my Roos and at the top of my pecking order, only because of his size. He is mellow don't know how he would react to a predator. My black Jersey Giant and Midnight Majesty Marans are in the middle of the pecking order and look to be equals, My JG has never been aggressive with people but doesn't like to be held, my Midnight Majesty Marans got aggressive with me 2 times when he was a juvenile, I did not let him get the upper hand I turned on him and picked him up and carried him around the first time the second time I chased him down. I have never had a problem with him since. He is the best protector I have in my flock, he is always looking out for his girls and if he hears one making a fuss he is the first to investigate. He has turned into a fine Roo who I know would protect his girls to the death if need be. Having said that all my Rooster breed the hens some a tad bit gentler than others but any hen will get tattered if any Rooster breeds her too much, and Roosters have their favorites. I'm going to separate my Roos from my hens for a while so they can take a breather. You should have at least 10 hens to most Roosters, extremely aggressive breeds around 15.
Here are some pics of my roos. My MMM and BJG lost part of their comb last winter.


  • Buckeye Roo.jpg
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  • BJG Roo.jpg
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  • MMM Roo.jpg
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I have 4 Roos, a B Jersey Giant, Lavender Orpington, Buckeye, and Midnight Majesty Marans. My Buckeye is a sweet lovable guy he is not confrontational at all so probably not my best protector. My lavender Orpington is a Gentle Giant, by far the largest of my Roos and at the top of my pecking order, only because of his size. He is mellow don't know how he would react to a predator. My black Jersey Giant and Midnight Majesty Marans are in the middle of the pecking order and look to be equals, My JG has never been aggressive with people but doesn't like to be held, my Midnight Majesty Marans got aggressive with me 2 times when he was a juvenile, I did not let him get the upper hand I turned on him and picked him up and carried him around the first time the second time I chased him down. I have never had a problem with him since. He is the best protector I have in my flock, he is always looking out for his girls and if he hears one making a fuss he is the first to investigate. He has turned into a fine Roo who I know would protect his girls to the death if need be. Having said that all my Rooster breed the hens some a tad bit gentler than others but any hen will get tattered if any Rooster breeds her too much, and Roosters have their favorites. I'm going to separate my Roos from my hens for a while so they can take a breather. You should have at least 10 hens to most Roosters, extremely aggressive breeds around 15.
Here are some pics of my roos. My MMM and BJG lost part of their comb last winter.
Just wanted to add I hold my Buckeye all the time if you're looking for a pet for yourself and children he is the one I would go for.
I have a buff Orpington cockeral who is beautiful and great with the other hens I havnt had any problems with predators but most likely is out of luck.

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