
Chicken Fan Club President
Premium Feather Member
16 Years
Jan 18, 2008
SE Massachusetts
Just curious, probably not getting sheep. But what are the best breeds? Mainly interested in friendly pets. But maybe this could be a useful thread for someone else who finds it and we could say best wool, best meat, hardiness, feed conversion, etc. Too if you want. But for me, friendly and personality. And best gender. Horns or hornless?
I didn't even know sheep had horns!!
I don't have any experience with sheep. :(
Maybe someone else can help?

I think some do but idk if it's all of them because I definitely see a lot of sheep without them. I think rams do? But idk if sheep are dehorned like goats? Or if they can be born naturally polled?

It's okay though!! And thanks
Depends on what you would use them for? Dorper and texel sheep are pretty good for meat uses.. Awassi and brittish milk sheep are good for milking. barbados are dual purpose so they would be a pretty good breed to start with. or if you want a more friendly breed for a pet I would suggest a hampshire, They're a pretty docile breed.
Depends on what you would use them for? Dorper and texel sheep are pretty good for meat uses.. Awassi and brittish milk sheep are good for milking. barbados are dual purpose so they would be a pretty good breed to start with. or if you want a more friendly breed for a pet I would suggest a hampshire, They're a pretty docile breed.

Thanks for all the suggestions!! I'll look into those breeds. :)
The ones i had and the one i have left were all polled, naturally. Even my rams... I adore babydolls but they are SOOO expensive and loses are to prevalent here. Jacob sheep i have heard are also very nice.

I was wondering is sheep were naturally polled or if they disbudded them so that is good to know! And Babydolls are so cute!! Jacob seem cool but all the horns kind of creep me out :lau

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