Best sling EVERRRR!!! for broken leg! updated with pic!

Keep her leg in "anatomic position", ie, keep the broken area in the normal position for that body part. Since it is so far up on the leg, it sounds like it would naturally be kept that way with the sling. Good job!!!

Feed her things that increase her calcium and protein levels, like meal worms, maybe yogurt, a little cheese. Too much cheese makes diarrhea, ask me how I know
I'd say meal worms are the best.

She may or may not limp the rest of her life, but a limp is a small thing to live with. I'd keep her in that sling though for at least three weeks, long enough for the bone ends to grow together however they will. THEN, a little weight bearing, if she will, is good for the healing bone.

If the nerve was ruptured during the break, then she might get some movement back. Did you say her toes are moving?

Examine the leg daily, make sure it is as warm or warmer than the other leg. If it gets cold or turns a different color, that means circulation is not adequate and you'd want to amputate
or she could get a terrible infection. That said, she has gone on this long already, with toe movements, so I doubt this will happen. Just watch it though
Now i've noticed that Blackbart mentioned toes moving? She can't do anything with her foot or her toes. When I pick her up she holds onto my finger with the good foot, and the other just hangs there. Is that a sign of progress I guess toes moving?

When she first broke her leg, it just hung there. She couldn't move her toes, her foot and or move her leg from the hip. I wasn't really sure where she had broke it. I felt around and the hip did move correctly when I moved it so it must be the hock (knee)
It was about 5 weeks into her hospital stay that I noticed she moved her toes. Then, I thought, she must be almost better. The fact she moved her toes and the fact I would come home and she was sitting on the back of the couch NOT in her box!

At that time I removed the splint. She hobbled around quite a bit and she didn't use that leg in a normal way but she did put weight on it. But she did dust bath using that leg.
I kept her separate for about 10 days after I removed the splint just so the Roo would leave her alone.
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