best store to buy chicks

Have you checked on craigslist? In my area there are tons of chicks posted! Otherwise there are many different hatcheries:

Mt Healthy
Purely Poulty
My Pet Chicken

can't think of the others right now.
I have had great results buying from McMurray. I have used them several times and always been healthy good birds.
depends on where you are - in Eugene there are a couple places - I use Diess feed and farm out on W' 11th - they have a schedule of what is coming in for weeks/months in advance and you can reserve what you want (usually all claimed before the day) but better than the free for alls I've heard about at some places. There is a farm store in most smaller towns, like the one in Veneta that have been getting in some each week - last week they had 7-8 breeds and I picked up a few RIR's - also the Coastal Farm chain - but they have the chicks in big troughs that anyone can reach into so I'm a bit leery since anyone can handle them... but they seem to have an assortment of chicks, ducks, geese, turkeys, and others sush as quail in almost any time I stop in - but also seem to be more expensive than Diess (most around $2 for day-olds) so check your area for farm and feed stores and you should find something. Hope that helps.

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