Best way to clean/sanitize an old brooder for new chicks?


9 Years
Aug 22, 2010
I have a portable wooden rabbit hutch with wire flooring that I used for some chicks earlier this year and now need to use again for a new batch. The chicks in there earlier this year were perfectly healthy so I doubt the hutch is infected with anything but I was told that it should be cleaned out and sanitized anyway. What's the best way to do this? I don't want to use anything that's toxic and could harm the new chicks but I'm assuming soap and water wouldn't do the job either. I also need something that would work on wood. Any ideas?

Btw, the hutch looks pretty similar to this:
Soap and water scrub first, then spray or wipe with a solution of 1 tsp. bleach to a quart of water. That's food grade sanitizing proportions for porous surfaces (like wood). Let it dry and air out for a couple hours. The chlorine gasses off quickly.

Hubby and I do competition chili cook offs and we learned that from various health departments where we've cooked. I have to assume if it's considered safe for food handlers, it's safe for chickens.
Are you sure that measurement is right? Most of the places I've found that talk about using bleach water to clean out brooders or poultry equipment say either 1 cup per gallon (8 oz. per gallon) or 10% bleach (about 13 oz. per gallon). 1 teaspoon per quart would mean 4 teaspoons in a gallon which is less than 1 ounce and would make the solution about 0.5% bleach, which doesn't seem like nearly enough...but I could be wrong, I'm pretty new to this myself
It could be that a stronger solution is generally used for stuff like brooders, etc. A tsp./ quart is for sanitizing food handling equipment, as outlined in the paperwork from most health departments where we've competed. Then again, for the type of disinfecting we're talking about here, a stronger solution would not be out of line. As long as it dries thoroughly and you are careful about not breathing in too much of it, it shouldn't be a problem. Chlorine gasses off pretty quickly.

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