Best way to cull a chick?

I can't kill hardly a fly , it bothers me to kill anything , and I really love my chickens they are like part of my family . Can't you give them a shot of something that will just let them go to sleep like they do to humans in prison . I've always heard a large amount of potassium is what they use , it stops the heart .
Thank you for sharing...I needed to cull one this afternoon and had never done it before. The snipping method just wasn't something I could stomach. ;-( This way was one I could accomplish and feel at peace with. Just wanted to say thanks!
I am going to be raising cream legbar because u can auto sex at hatch!
Which will leave me with baby one day old roosters!
I can not cut the heads off with anything I just can't do that , I am so much of a animal lover , the only thing I can think of that I can do without having to watch , is fill a bucket of water have something to push down like a piece of wood and put them in push them down and run away till it's over .. I don't know what else I could do , this killing animals thing is just a nightmare for me , but if I want to sell chicks locally here and ship I need to find a way that's easy and I'm not directly doing it .
That's all I can think of
Old thread but I had to cull a 2 day old chick today. Ran over it with my car. Didn't have anything sharp enough to do the job and leaving it to the coyotes or hawks seemed cruel. It lasted less than a second. No after-death movements or anything. Pretty humane if you ask me.
I am going to be raising cream legbar because u can auto sex at hatch!
Which will leave me with baby one day old roosters!
I can not cut the heads off with anything I just can't do that , I am so much of a animal lover , the only thing I can think of that I can do without having to watch , is fill a bucket of water have something to push down like a piece of wood and put them in push them down and run away till it's over .. I don't know what else I could do , this killing animals thing is just a nightmare for me , but if I want to sell chicks locally here and ship I need to find a way that's easy and I'm not directly doing it .
That's all I can think of
Drowning is an insanely inhumane way to kill something. Also why would you just kill the roosters day one? Why not raise for the meat? Killing an animal that hatched successfully just because it’s not the gender you want seems cruel to me.

I just had to cull my first animal yesterday, it was a two days old chick. The vinegar and baking soda/powder trick works quickly. It stopped all movement within 10 seconds but I’m sure it was dead within the first 5. Very sad and hard to watch, but I couldn’t bring myself to do decapitation.

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