- Jul 30, 2009
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- 92
What are the best layers through the winter, for brown eggs? We have 20 hens - 6 black copper marans and the rest a mix of EE, BR, black and Gold Laced Wyandottes and Welsummers. The marans began laying in the fall, the rest of the ladies went into their first molt but look to be fully feathered again for several weeks. Now that they are laying again we are getting 4 - 6 eggs a day. It is a little disappointing to be getting so few eggs, during the summer they layed 10 - 14 eggs a day and I was able to sell many of them.
We do not have electric to the coop so extra light during this time a year is not an option. Biased on your experiences what type(s) of chicken(s) lays the most consistently through the winter?
Thank you
What are the best layers through the winter, for brown eggs? We have 20 hens - 6 black copper marans and the rest a mix of EE, BR, black and Gold Laced Wyandottes and Welsummers. The marans began laying in the fall, the rest of the ladies went into their first molt but look to be fully feathered again for several weeks. Now that they are laying again we are getting 4 - 6 eggs a day. It is a little disappointing to be getting so few eggs, during the summer they layed 10 - 14 eggs a day and I was able to sell many of them.
We do not have electric to the coop so extra light during this time a year is not an option. Biased on your experiences what type(s) of chicken(s) lays the most consistently through the winter?
Thank you