Best/Worst TV Commecials...

My favorite commercials are the ones for some jerky product that feature guys in the woods with Sasquatch. They are always funny.

Also, the Jack in the Box commercials are always good. Sadly, Jack in the Box is unknown in some parts of this country. Poor people are culturely deprived.

A couple of years ago Bud Lite had some real funny commercials featuring Luis on the Spanish language stations, but they wouldn't pass the censor on the English language stations. I guess we won't be seeing Luis around any more since Anhauser Busch is being sold.

All other commericals are subject to the mute button.

OMG....ME TOO!!! and now they have a baby BK kid that looks just like him but small

I hate that Burger King guy too! He gives me the creeps!
I love those ads too! When I go to Sunday School the boys all just randomly start singing that song and then the girls join in. Sometimes even the teacher does too.
By the end we're all laughing so hard and then we get back to the lesson.
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I'll take an Ultimate Bacon Cheeseburger please, Curly Fries, and Large Coke. I'll also take Two Monster Tacos, and a Sour Dough Jack to go.

JITB is so good at 2 in the morning after a night at the clubs...
The free credit report one is funny! The only commercial I hate is the one they play over and over again. I dont mind commercials. I dont know why but I sorta like watching them. I also like the Sprite commercial. Where the lady opens her fridge and there's a hole in it and she screams. Then there are two bunnies and one burps. Then it pulls the soda can closer to it. SOOOOOO cute.
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oh I forgot one more that I hate.... Those STUPID Head-On commercials!!!!!!!! UGH!!!! SO STUPID!!!
"Head-On apply directly to your forehead"
"Head-On apply directly to your forehead"
"Head-On apply directly to your forehead"
"Head-On apply directly to your forehead"
"Head-On apply directly to your forehead"
"Head-On apply directly to your forehead"
"Head-On apply directly to your forehead"
"Head-On apply directly to your forehead"

OMG it drives me crazy!!!!!!

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