Bielefelder chick (male or female)?


May 22, 2022
Hello! My name is Jessica. I am new to chickens and just got seven chicks this past Wednesday. All of them are bielefelders. One of the reasons why I chose them is because of the autosexing ( I cannot have a rooster). Well one of them has a little white spot on her head and her wings are a little different than the others. I'm concerned if this is a male. When I looked online it said that males will have a white spot on their head, but she has the dark chipmunk markings that a female is supposed to have. I attached some pictures.
The first one is so you can see the little white spot and her markings (she is on the far right)

jomoma.jpg jomoma3.jpg jomoma4.jpg .
The second one is a side view, where you can see the wings
The last one is a picture of another chick where I think her wings (and the others) are fuller than the one I'm questioning. (Do they grow differently for each chick?)

Any thought??
Female, males are lighter. Wing and tail feathers don't mean a thing.
Some of my baby Beilefelder chicks had a faint white spot on their heads too, but all turned out to be hens. They are the best chickens! So smart and very fast too,.....they love to bug and are quite friendly. I can't have a rooster either at the moment, family doesn't want the noise, but I think we'll get one eventually any way. I think the Roos are just gorgeous. All in all a very nice new breed of chicken from Germany!
They are the best chickens! So smart and very fast too,.....they love to bug and are quite friendly. I can't have a rooster either at the moment, family doesn't want the noise, but I think we'll get one eventually any way. I think the Roos are just gorgeous. All in all a very nice new breed of chicken from Germany!
I agree! But I wish the APA would standardize them!
I've mixed them with Rhode Island Red, Ameraucana, Olive egger.And they're all so pretty especially the Ameraucana mix! But, my Great pyrenees puppy killed her:( (she's still learning to be a good guard dog)
Thank you for your responses. I'm relieved to hear that you also had ones with a faint white spot that turned out to be hens. They are getting more inquisitive. Before if I put my hand in the box, they would run away from me. Now they stare at my hand and inch closer to it. One lets me rub her chest all the time. They are so precious!!

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