Bielefelder pullets

I have no idea what you would charge for them. Have you looked on your local Craigslist to see what the average going rate is for that age group for your area?
No, I haven't. I started asking around on here but will check Craigslist out to see if I can find anything similar. I haven't seen many people selling the Bielefelders. I've been very happy with them and am working on improving my flock. Thanks for suggestion.
No, I haven't. I started asking around on here but will check Craigslist out to see if I can find anything similar. I haven't seen many people selling the Bielefelders. I've been very happy with them and am working on improving my flock. Thanks for suggestion.
I'm happy with mine also. I bought mine as hatching egg's, and now they have started laying fertile egg's of their own. I love the fact that they can be sexed at hatch, and the boy's can be separated from the girl's right from hatch before going into the brooders.

Bielefelder are hard to come by. They are a great duel purpose bird. Lots of eggs and lots of meat and pretty economical if kept on pasture. I love them. I would not sell mine for less than $40 a bird here in NC. You are talking about a hen that butchers out at about average 7lbs and roughly lays 220 eggs a year. If I was closer to you I would probably try to buy your whole group. They are also sexable at birth. You can keep the hens and butcher the roos for meat. Roos at 6 months are around 8 to 9 lbs. when they finish they can be up to 13 lbs. That is an awesome bird. With chicken prices at the store going the way they are, I would keep them if I were you.​


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