Bielefelder Rooster started walking in a straight up standing position since he was about 14 weeks old. He can't walk like a normal chicken.


In the Brooder
Oct 22, 2021
He does not crow like his brother. He followsthe flock but in a "catch up" way. He eats and drinks fine. Also does not attempt any kind of breeding. I have never seen this before.
For some reason I can't get my video to attach. Tried several times but this app is only picking up photos and no videos. He definitely has a spine issue since he stands vertically. I believe he got injured and hurt the spine. He was developing just perfectly up until around 14 weeks and I noticed when I let him out of the night coup in the am that he was kinda dragging his tail some but straightened out quickly for the remainder of each day. Then it got to where he started having longer tail dragging episodes and walking vertically but once he got going good he walked normal during the day. About one week later he just stayed in the upright position, very similar to a duck and even walks like a duck. He can get some speed up to get where he wants to go and then he will rest. He is keeping good weight, eats and drinks very well. He forages with the rest of the flock and has even befriended one of the hens. The others don't pick on him either. So as long as he seems content and does not act like he is actually hurting or suffering, Ole General Stonewall Jackson is here to stay
Sending a video of how my rooster, Stonewall Jackson walks. Never seen this before.
Here's the video, finally got it to attach. This is my rooster, General Stonewall Jackson doing his own thing ❣

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