Bielefelder thread!!!!

I don't know how I didn't find this sooner, but hello everyone! Bielefelder Kennhuhns are among my favorite breeds, but unfortunately I don't have any. I love both the colors of the Bielefelders and their eggs.
It sound's like you need to get some of them then.

Edited to add; I noticed that you put your location as the swamp. I bought some of my hatching egg's start from here. They packed them well. They also sell these Bielefelder's as chick's.
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I have a broody Bielefelder sitting on eggs- should hatch in 7-10 days.
Those babies are just so stinking cute!!

Spatch and Daphne, and baby 2
Spatch is gorgeous. He's got a lot more color than my Biel roos. Where did you get him?


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Hi, hope you're all doing well! I'm getting ready to set up nest boxes for 6 Bielefelder hens, 15 weeks, 4 Buff Orpingtons, 13 weeks, and 1 Blue Laced Red Wyandotte, 15 weeks {given to me by mistake). I'm thinking 3 or 4? Is a 5 gallon bucket on its side roomy enough for the Bieles? TIA
Hi, hope you're all doing well! I'm getting ready to set up nest boxes for 6 Bielefelder hens, 15 weeks, 4 Buff Orpingtons, 13 weeks, and 1 Blue Laced Red Wyandotte, 15 weeks {given to me by mistake). I'm thinking 3 or 4? Is a 5 gallon bucket on its side roomy enough for the Bieles? TIA
A couple of my Bielefelder hen's grew big enough that I don't think that one of those would work for them. It would be a tight squeeze. I have some younger one's that haven't finished filling out yet.
I have a few nest boxes on the wall of my coop, but when I was battling two broodies I figured I’d add some more space for the others. I bought a couple laundry baskets at the dollar store, lodged a small brick on each side to keep them from rolling, and added some strae bedding. This is my Orpington sitting. It’s a super cheap option and very quick in a pinch!


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