Big Announcement: BYC & Mark Zuckerberg / Facebook Partnership - BeakBook - April fool's 2013

The new relationship is great news for chicken lovers everywhere but I also have had concerns with privacy regarding facebook! But things have gotten better in that regard during the past couple years.
Aw, snap! I fall for this stuff EVERY YEAR. LOL! Happy April 1st.

Me too!!! So happy nobody knows me.
Well, I think we're deep enough into the pages to confirm this was our annual April Fool's Day joke! We won't change the first post or remove the announcement so others can still have some fun.

A HUGE HUGE THANK YOU to the staff that spent hours and hours removing the tons of "this is an april fools day joke" from the first bunch of pages so peeps could still have fun. Also, a big THANK YOU to the members who knew it was a joke but kept quiet to allow others to have a good time.

Finally, sorry to anybody who was offended, upset, hurt, etc. We try very hard not to do anything that would be considered mean or upsetting, but with hundreds of thousands of different members it's always hard not to upset some people with anything we do. With that said, we also know a lot of our old-time peeps would be upset if we didn't do anything... I mean, it's tradition!!!

Overall, we love our community and try to have fun, not take ourselves too seriously, and let our hair down once in a while. Thanks for everyone's support!

I'd like to say thanks to those who worked so hard to keep an April fools joke running through multiple time zones. Not an easy thing to keep one side of the world from giving the game away before the other side even woke up.
Well played!!

It's a lot of work coordinating and managing this... we often start planning these many months in advance. We often hear from lots of members that really look forward to seeing what we'll do. :)

Don't I get a new thingy for participation or something?? I need more awards!

I'd like to thank BYC for this opportunity.

I'd like to thank my mom and dad in Heaven for giving me the genes to be able to carry off a joke.

And thank you to Bill. The man that loved me because of my dry and sick sense of humor that was matched only by his own...

Where's the "Take a Bow" smilie??

Thanks for your support and having fun with us!!
What a great April Fools' joke! LMAO!

Even though Mark Z isn't interested in our site, it got me thinking about what I'd love to see if BYC were interested in adding new features. One thing that might be cool and doable, would be instant chat in a chat-room environment. Facebook allows instant chatting between individuals when we're logged in, but I'm thinking there could be an actual chat-room page or section that multiple chatters could enter for real-time conversation. Maybe a slightly different take on the concept would be a real-time "ER" (emergency room) where someone with a serious poultry problem could get instant assists from anyone available. Maybe some kind of signal such as a red flag or "Help!" symbol would pop up on all logged-in people's screens to indicate that there is an emergency in the "ER." Then they could go into the ER chat room to try and help whoever put out the help request.
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