Big Bang Theory!

Loved it!! nodlehs
That would be the predictable followup. Does Penny get enough $$ to move? Quit the Cheese Cake Factory (who must be paying a bundle to keep their name in the script every week) and pursue her acting career full time? Buy a nice car? Or just more shoes?
My DH laughed the hardest when Raj picked up his project assignment and said, "Call center! That's racist, man!"
He totally didn't get the shoe thing

I had to snicker at the interaction between Penny and Sheldon as she joyfully described each shoe.

Her phone app will make a fortune, she'll blow it on shoes and accessories, and then a better shoe app will be released by some other big app provider. Like Gilligan, she can almost escape the island but never quite succeed. She will only get an acting job long enough to drive Leonard nuts over a sexy leading man...

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