Big Bang Theory!

This was my horror-scope for the day:

A meditation circle or other group activity devoted to spiritual pursuits could be on your agenda today, Taurus. It's important that you attend, as you need a little peace and quiet, as well as the support from others in the group. The affection you all feel for one another permeates the evening. Bask in it and write down any revelations that come to you.

My only plan tonight was to watch BBT with my family. But if any revelations come to me I'll be sure to let ya'll know
Will do. You too!!!

I found this horror-scope especially ironic, when you consider that tonight's episode is about Sheldon trying to create a new group.
You think that means Sheldon is a Tuarus, too?
I watched it!

I like - it went something like this "Hey Dude - it's bro's before... my sister"

* Penny's line at the end was funny too. LOL
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That was funny!

Mine was, "Let me show you how we complete a Quest in Nebraska!"
(or something along those lines. I'm no good with quotes)
My husband and I play WoW together, so of course we couldn't miss this episode! I laughed really hard when Sheldon was explaining to Leonard that he had to call the local police, because the FBI hung up on him.

Penny's character was so great in this episode. You support your friends and loved ones because something is important to them, not because that thing is important to you. She really gets that.

That's why DH 'has' chickens.....

I'm glad Kaley got a movie gig. I really like her.

Cop: Mr. Cooper
Sheldon: Doctor!
Cop, to Leonard: Seriously?
Leoard: Yeah.... But not the kind with access to drugs!!
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