Big Chickens


7 Years
Dec 11, 2012
Will somebody please cross some cornish/rock broiler hybrids to some good pure Maylay, Shamo, Asil, Jersey Giants, brahmas, etc? Just want to see some giant chickens, thats all.
I was under the impression that the Cornish x rock can't breed. They get too big and don't live long enough. Maybe some one could do either a Plymouth rock or just simply a Cornish.
There is a breeding project involving cornish/rock X and buckeyes on this forum. I figured if you can do it with buckeyes, you can do t with other breeds as well. He's been mating buckeye roos to cornish/rock X hens. You just got to restrict their feed and make sure they free range to get them to breeding age.
I do not know, but as far as I know, buckeye roos aren't supposed to have any difficulty mounting.
However, some of the pure-bred heavy, game types I mentioned above do sometimes have to be AI'd.

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