big enough?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Oct 27, 2011
I have a wooden crate that is 27 inches wide 44 inches long and 20 inches high, is this big enough for 27 chicks?
Not for long..... how old are they? I have a 4 x 4 brooder and I have to start picking the roos out as early as I can. Then I start culling for what I am looking for and selling the extras. They can stay it that a pretty long time if I keep up with my end of the deal.

I would not think that would work for more than a couple of weeks.... 3 at the most.
It will work for the first 2 weeks or so. But plan on graduating to a larger one when they are older. Also at 2 to 3 weeks old you will need to put something over the top of what they are kept in. As some chicks learn to fly and will get out.
Or plan to have two or three brooders later on when they are larger.

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