big problem!!!

I am so sorry for you and your baby!!!! I have a huge problem with the "neighbors" dogs getting at my poultry as well
I reported the neighbors dogs so now they have taken to shooting at my geese with pellet pistols!!! There is a product I just learned about called SWAT. It will kill and keep maggots from developing on your bird. The wound is so great though I do not know if you can use it on it. Perhaps someone on here would know. There is also a product called sav a chick at the feed and tractor stores. It is an electolyte based powder that you mix up. It might help keep her from going into shock!!! I am truly sorry for you both
no its okay

so SWAT is good for maggots? i'll search it up, thankyou so much! here in australia these blow flys are many many many, my chickens dont even need to have dirty bottoms to have them and it seems my barred rock is infested with them constantly, i cant do much because i couldnt find anything to kill them so all i could do was wipe all the visible maggots off, wash her bottom and then spray with teramycin (which yes i know is meant for the eyes of animals) but it actually keeps the flys away for weeks because it creates this thick surface on the wound and the wound heals very fast with it on, but i much rather have a product meant for maggots, so anything you consider i would love to hear

sadly i am going to give this hen away to be put to sleep as the blow flys wouldnt leave her alone, they somehow got through the towel i partly covered her in and now they are busy eating her alive, theyre already on their way to her organs she is trully infested and there isnt a way i can clean them out without putting her through the most extreme pain. this is painful thinking about it
but thankyou you all for the support you gave
You can grind up baby aspirin into her water for pain relief. It wont hurt her at all and will probably make her feel better.

You can also use the electrolyte water that another poster mentioned. If you decide to try and save her, that wound needs to be cleaned 100% to keep it from festering.

Poor girl.

Also, make sure the antibiotic cream isnt the painkiller type as that's bad for chickens.

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