BIN -12+ Mixed eggs for fun - Colored Egg Pack


8 Years
Mar 28, 2011
Tallahassee, FL

I have a mixture of girls covered by a very well behaved large hybrid rooster. He is black with gold/orange around his neck. He also has a pen mate rooster who is an all black easter egger but the easter egger is not the dominate rooster but he does mate some of the girls when he can. The girls in the pen are a mixture of ameraucana, easter egger, black copper maran, black copper maran hybrid offspring, delaware, larger hybrid egg layer (lays a extra large egg), production red, wyandotte, australorpe.

I don't have enough of any of them except the easter eggers to expect too many of any one kind of egg. The easter eggers will depend on how many they are laying and if I have an order for just easter eggers. If you message me I can tell you about the available easter egger eggs this week.

This is mostly for people who want a the fun of hatching eggs in a multitude of colors

shipping is $15 for as many as they lay/fit in a box I expect probably 15 or so..

* The chick below is from my splash girl who currently isn't laying********

A blue easter egger hatched from my splash girl

My Splash
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I would be interested, if you still have them available. I love having all shades of eggs, as do my kids. please let me know if you are still selling. Thanks!
As the picture above the eggs says the colors are alittle skewed.

Let me try to get a better picture. Then if you are still interested I can hook you up. My girls are laying fairly well.

Here is a blue baby hatched from my splash americauna

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Above is unaltered picture

This is a slightly better picture but the colors are still alittle skewed.

I included a slip of white paper. But the yellow eggs are more brown/tan. The egg in the top right corner is pinkish. the two middle right and left eggs are a medium olive green. The egg by the really dark one is blue, a nice medium blue.

Here is one I adjusted but the green still is alittle off. So you get more tans, brown, reddish brown, green, blue. The dark brown comes from my one and only French Black Copper Marans. I only have one of her and she isn't laying well. She is finicky.
The above has been altered to try to get the colors to be more true.
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Neat. Any pics of what some of the mixes loom like or what to expect? I like heavy birds and have always wanted Orpingtons so would be happy with anything that looks like an Orpington, or Cochin, or any of the other heavy birds. Also like friendly girls. We keep them mostly as pets and because chickens are a riot of course. Thanks!
Above is unaltered picture

This is a slightly better picture but the colors are still alittle skewed.

I included a slip of white paper. But the yellow eggs are more brown/tan. The egg in the top right corner is pinkish. the two middle right and left eggs are a medium olive green. The egg by the really dark one is blue, a nice medium blue.

Here is one I adjusted but the green still is alittle off. So you get more tans, brown, reddish brown, green, blue. The dark brown comes from my one and only French Black Copper Marans. I only have one of her and she isn't laying well. She is finicky.
The above has been altered to try to get the colors to be more true.

That would be neat if we could get a few of the marans, ive never had that breed! If she isnt laying well enough to give me some eggs, its okay. A would also love a cherry egger, and of course an EE! So I guess I am just saying give me a good mix! if i can find a good hydrometer for my incubator for cheap or free, my husband says i can buy some eggs to set! So I am searching around now. The one at walmart is $30 for the really good one. I bought one for my first hatch for $2.50 but it did not work properly, and I only had 1 chick hatch and survive. Can anyone tell me of a good, working hydrometer that wont cost an arm and a leg?
I have a batch in the incubator but it is my first batch from this rooster. So I don't know what the mix will look like. I imagine the lavendar americauna might make a black or splah americauna but bigger. My roo is slightly over 10 pounds now so he's a big boy. He is solidly built. Of course americauna's are smaller. I have a few easter eggers like the green egg layer and 3 pure americaunas, one lavendar, 2 black. I think the black one will make a nice size black one. I image they'll have a muff.

The barred rock mixes I don't have any idea what they might look like but I do think the eggs that hatch will be sex linked cause the barring gene is how they sex link chickens. I would guess they would be a nice chunky chicken which would go toward looking like an orphington but really don't know.

The barnyard mixes have some barred rock in them but since they are already a mix there is no telling what might come out.

The reds I think are production reds so that would be a hybrid.

The black copper marans would be a nice big chunky body type is my guess. She is black and his is black so I'm think a black bird with maybe some gold around the neck but maybe not.

I am not well versed on chicken genetics so those are my guess based on what I know. I have only hatched out one of my own chicks and I think its father is a black copper marans (which I now longer own).

My first one's are scheduled to hatch Next sunday so I can tell you more then.

Edited to add: You may have any marans egg laid during the 2-3 days of collection. I just have one and she isn't very consistent.
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Ok here are some of the parents so you can guess what babies might look like. This is two easter eggers. The one on the right bottom lays the green egg. The one in the middle lays a pinkish egg and the top one is a barred rock (I think I have two barred rocks and two mutt rocks).

This is who should be Dad he is the one in there and the one I see mounting everyone. However there is another black rooster but not an Orphington that would occasionally be in the same area as the girls but I've never seen him mount them, they chase him and peck him. He has his own girls.

This is a shot of some of the girls going to roost from left to right. You can see on the top row My lavendar and a black americauna.
The next row down is a production red, barred rock and another production red.
The next row is a easter egger and a barred rock mutt or barnyard mix.
The last botttom row is a barred rock and an americauna.
This isn't all of them but it is alot of them.

Here's the Speckled Sussex

The girl in the middle with feathers on her feet is the marans
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That would be neat if we could get a few of the marans, ive never had that breed! If she isnt laying well enough to give me some eggs, its okay. A would also love a cherry egger, and of course an EE! So I guess I am just saying give me a good mix! if i can find a good hydrometer for my incubator for cheap or free, my husband says i can buy some eggs to set! So I am searching around now. The one at walmart is $30 for the really good one. I bought one for my first hatch for $2.50 but it did not work properly, and I only had 1 chick hatch and survive. Can anyone tell me of a good, working hydrometer that wont cost an arm and a leg?
Kaylee I got a hydrometer from Lowe's that is meant for the house. It is a small white electronic one that keeps high and low temps and humidity. It may not be super highly accurate but for humidity you get a wide range of acceptable readings. I try to keep around 40% in the beginning but if it is off by up to 5 it will still give me a good air cell. I like it because I can tell if I had any temp spikes while I was away. I also keep two lay on the top of egg thermometers in there so that I can count on accurate temps between the 3 because temp is way more important than humidity as far as keeping a narrow range. Humidity is important but you have more flexibility with range.

But is was somewhat cheap, has the hygrometer and gives me high and low peace of mind.

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