Bird got the boot last night.....

A.T. Hagan :

The dispute between you and your husband aside at my place I do not tolerate aggressive roosters. If one acts like he's going to jump me he's going to get a Redwing suborbital boost. It's a chicken not a child stepping in between quarreling parents.

Your husband should apologize for mashing your plant.

Well put. I have to agree. And to win his heart back? That's so easy. Every time you go outside, put some of those meal worms in your pocket. When bird is near, give him some. It's okay to give them to the girls too, but make sure bird gets some. They way to a chickens heart is through their stomach. He'll forget about the kick and remember the treat lady really soon.

My Country Chronicles Blog
A.T. Hagan :

The dispute between you and your husband aside at my place I do not tolerate aggressive roosters. If one acts like he's going to jump me he's going to get a Redwing suborbital boost. It's a chicken not a child stepping in between quarreling parents.

Your husband should apologize for mashing your plant.

Aw poor baby!! I think if you keep up the cuddles hell forget pretty soon! Animals are great for not holding grudges! My duck keeps biting my toes so depending on the situation I've had to kick him away (if my arms were full) pin him down and today I smacked him pretty hard (felt guilty immediately afterwards) but he still runs over to see me as fast as his slappy feet can run.

Funny semi related story: one day my brother was telling me a story that involved him yelling at someone- so as he was reinacting the story my very sweet cockatiel-whom I take to work with me around little kids- calmly walked over to my brother who was yelling and bit the bajeezus out of him. It was so unexpected we both started laughing and had to try again to see if it was a coincidence. We did it probably 4 more times and every time same result- as soon as my bro started yelling the bird attacked. Lmao. ever since whenever my brother comes over my bird is after his blood!! I've never seen him do it to anyone else and I've had him for 12 years - even to my husband where we really do yell angerly at eachother sometimes. He travels with me a lot has met tons of diffrent ppl young and old and has never been anything but a perfect gentleman. Moral of the story: brothers are evil!!
Achickenwrangler#1 :

sometimes you gotta trust your animals instincts.

OH so true. I had a cat once that HATED my ex-husband. She would hide under furniture and attack him from behind, get up on the bed at night and growl at him when he walked into the room. I rehomed her.........should have listened to the cat. I eventually rehomed the husband! Wish I had my cat back.

To the OP. I have one rule in my relationships. Anyone that would harm something that they know I love might as well harm me the same way. I have a mean rooster, I understand how bad a good flogging hurts, but it seems the anger was taken out on the animal. Just keep this in mind. If there is no remorse, then I would really keep my eyes open. If there are children around, witnessing something like this leaves an impression on them that it's ok.

On a better note, I hope your rooster is back to his old ways soon. How sweet that you have your own body guard. He may even be MORE protective of you than before.​
Poor Bird
Hope you're okay.
oh MME, that is so FUNNY!!!!! that's it totally.

When I got home last night and ran to let the gals and Bird out they were all waiting for me at the gate. I opened it and out they went fast as the feet would take 'em. Bird as well. Never even missed a beat. I let them have their grass picking, watermellon eating, just found my pumpkin patch chowing, good time and went out with the mealworms and let Bird just chow down!!!!! I sat down under a pine tree to talk to the girls and Bird jumped on my back as usual and started picking at my hair as ususal.

My Bird is back!

oh yea, on a side note, hubby admits to kicking Bird a little hard because he was angry. I told him to leave me alone and dont talk to me until I get over being ticked off about it. That was yesterday afternoon... I still have not said a word. am just STEAMED......

NO ONE will ever touch my Bird......
1st sooo glad that Bird is back to normal and ok....

2nd....what you ladies miss is that "silent treatment" is no punishement for us....we some times actually welcome a little quiet turn if my wife sat me down and told me all the stories about what her friends did/said and had me watch some chick show or movie and then talked my ear off about that's punishement!!!
Anyone that would harm something that they know I love might as well harm me the same way. .

What if the rooster harmed the human you love? Would it still be the same as harming you the same way? And you would take action against the rooster? I would.

The way I see it, the rooster challenged the husband, and DH acted on it before the rooster got him. Self defense, I would have done the same probably, although not as hard.

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