Birds at TSC- are they really pullets?


Aug 25, 2019
Western Pennsylvania
Hi all, I'm looking to get some more pullets to replace my four roosters. TSC has 3 barred rock pullets and a bunch of americauna pullets. I just want to be sure they are indeed pullets before I make any puchase. I photographed the two bins. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

Hi all, I'm looking to get some more pullets to replace my four roosters. TSC has 3 barred rock pullets and a bunch of americauna pullets. I just want to be sure they are indeed pullets before I make any puchase. I photographed the two bins. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

View attachment 1889270 View attachment 1889271
1. TSC is notoriously bad at misidentification of both breed and gender. Usually attributed to the hatchery but not always as they're known to switch up bins incorrectly etc and most employees have no clue.
2. There is no such thing as Americauna. They're mislabeled Easter Eggers.
Well there were only the 3 barred rocks left. If I got two more roosters id be really upset and irritated. I already have to re-home 4 roosters. I'll see if I can check out another supplier. Thanks for the fast response.
From what I hear, you have no guarantee that you will not get one or more males from "sexed" chicks. Even if TSC doesn't mix them up, sexing day old chicks is an art, not a science. There is always a margin of error. If you buy chicks, be prepared for that, and have a plan for the cockerels.Or, you can go with a sex linked breed, or like I do, find somewhere that sells started pullets.
We must have a good group of TSCs around where I live. Between my mom and us, we've bought a whole bunch of pullets (probably 50+) of various breeds from a couple of different stores. Every single one was just what they said it was breed-wise, and only one, an EE, turned out to be a roo. :)

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