Birds That Scream and Cry to Be Let Out, UGH!


12 Years
Apr 9, 2007
Willits, CA Gateway to the Redwoods
About an hour or so before I'm ready to let them out each day my Jersey Giants go mad. Our coop is under our deck (I swear, it's a cool idea, if a bit odd) and when they hear my footsteps they start screaming. The other breeds, not so much.

I refuse to give in to their bratty demands! Am I doomed to earplugs? How to placate them wo/ conceding??!
Sounds like you got yourself some spoiled chickens! I'm glad I came across this post. I was contemplating on getting some Jersey Giants, but if they are gonna holler until I let them out, I think I'll reconsider. My goal is to have as many chickens as possible (and a few turkeys) without ticking off my very close neighbors.

My girls are already rotten, but they don't get too loud about it. They usually all line up at the door, just staring towards the house...... waiting. This is a picture of them. Aunt Connie and Viola are at their place by the door. That is Aunt Lois, peeking from behind the ramp where their feeder is, "Did she catch me?!" They like to try and make me think they are incapable of eating if they are confined to the coop and I had better let them out before they starve to death.

Obviously, I'm sorry, I have no advice for you. I am a bad chicken mother. My girls run all over me and I think it's cute. My real kids wish they were chickens.

I had to do a double take and make sure I didn't write this post myself. haha.
I have 3 little SPOILED girls... I stupidly let them free range in my city backyard until their poop attracted so many flies that it bothered the neighbours. well now they're cooped up in the very large pen for just 3 chickens, but thats not good enough. The cry and howl just like yours not only when they see me, but ANY human that happens to walk by our corner house. The whole neighbourhood knows my girls. cantankerous is the perfect word. To shut em up i usually toss them some dried oats or some lettuce or just give them a loud shush! the still get free range time but i swear they remember being out all the time and are ticked at me. good luck!
I have nine chickens and my five loud ones are Golden Comets-they are such grumblers and complainers and loud! I usually wail until afternoon to let them out of their run into the backyard.
They are out there complaining-because they are ready to go out sooner!!!!! spoiled!
Some birds tolerate confinement betters then others. Henderson's breed chart has a spot that will tell you who tolerated and who doesn't. Oh my birds don't have food 24 hours a day they are asleep at night and don't need it. Being that your coop is under your deck, I'd be careful leaving it out all night, you could get mice or worse rats ahhhhhh.

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