Birds to be remembered

Had a Buff Rock that would jump into a kiddie pool and wade around with our grandson who was 3 at the time. That was 13 yrs ago. Also had a RIR roo that would ambush me when I got home from work. I would tease him with my size 12 work shoe and he would attack it with vigor. I was the only one he would go after. It was our little game.
Im sorry for your loss.

Violet, a Black Australorp hen
Broody, a Speckled Sussex hen
and Elvis, an Black Australorp rooster
They all died after fox got in. Violet was the sweetest bird and was my favorite out of the younger hens. Broody was the lone survivor after our smaller flock got wiped out while some other chicks were getting raised up to go out there with them and she was a mother to 20 chicks of various ages and breeds some of which she hatched and others were added to her group. Elvis was a amazing rooster who protected the flock but wasn't human aggressive and was always there to greet you at the gate. And I miss them all and know its was my fault I didn't get out to chase the fox off in time.
It was my first time having chickens.

We bought a peeping box full of 6 EE chicks. We set them out on the grass and let them poke around the yard, they didn’t have names at this time. I soon noticed we had a brave girl who carried on by herself. She was helping herself to some weeds in the middle of the yard. I should’ve paid more attention. I was immersed in watching the other girls. I should’ve brought her back to the flock. But I didn’t. Soon I heard the piercing cry of a baby chick. I looked over, and a hawk had her in its talons. The poor baby was shrieking, and it tore through my heart.. I could have saved her if I was paying more attention. Her cries of agony have traumatized me. I wish I had done something to save her, and I’m to blame for her death. I’m so, so sorry, baby chick.. I will never forget you..

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