Bit by the hatching bug ... Marans hatch

Ok thanks i looked really hard and i saw veins in one and there was nothing in the other one so i chucked it thanks :)
Marans and EE eggs REALLY difficult to candle. I tried weighing the eggs- even the ones that weren't good were losing weight. So that didn't work for me. The shadows is only way I can check.
Turns out I might have a broody as well, I went out to collect the eggs in earlier about 6, and the hen was sitting on them, i lifted her to see how many there was I thought she was laying so I left her, I came back at 8 and she was still sitting on them, so I came at 9 and she was sitting on them, so I lifted her and put her in a separate smaller coop, and put the eggs in with her, and put some food and water near her, so I'll see tomorrow if she is still sitting on them (there is nine btw) she is an isa brown hen I hear they aren't good mothers or they don't sit, any ideas :)
Turns out I might have a broody as well, I went out to collect the eggs in earlier about 6, and the hen was sitting on them, i lifted her to see how many there was I thought she was laying so I left her, I came back at 8 and she was still sitting on them, so I came at 9 and she was sitting on them, so I lifted her and put her in a separate smaller coop, and put the eggs in with her, and put some food and water near her, so I'll see tomorrow if she is still sitting on them (there is nine btw) she is an isa brown hen I hear they aren't good mothers or they don't sit, any ideas :)

My hen is a Rhode Island Red hen and she has been out there for over a week so hoping she stays diligent on those eggs!! The funny part is she left the eggs one day to go eat and I went to look and there was another hen sitting on the. I was surprised and then not a few min later they swapped. Interesting to me...maybe the other hen was laying a new egg. Keeping fingers crossed for your brown hen!!

My hen is a Rhode Island Red hen and she has been out there for over a week so hoping she stays diligent on those eggs!! The funny part is she left the eggs one day to go eat and I went to look and there was another hen sitting on the. I was surprised and then not a few min later they swapped. Interesting to me...maybe the other hen was laying a new egg. Keeping fingers crossed for your brown hen!!

any idea how much longer with your batch under the broody?
Hi Matt You sound like you have alot of experience. So here's a question for you or anyone else that knows. I just hatched out 8 blue copper marans and 7 of them are grayish blue fluff but one has some red on it. Is this normal? Is it a male and the rest females? Thanks

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