Black Acres: The chickens that saved me

Part Two

One day, while my husband was distracted by helping some friends clear brush, I went out to the garage an emptied a large, plastic tote and set it up on a folding table. I then threw a pet carrier in the back of my Blazer and set off to TSC. I purchased chick starter, some electrolytes, feed dishes, waterers and a heating plate. Can you guess where I went next? Yep, straight to my friends house.

We spent a while chatting about breeds and trying to decide which ones I’d like to give a go. I was very indecisive, so I settled on several different ones, 9 total. We loaded them into the carrier and I set off for home with my adorable 4 week old baby chickens screaming in the back. On my way home, my husband called. Part way through the conversation he said, “where are you? Is that chickens I hear?” I let out a nervous giggle and came clean. “Yes, those are chickens you hear and they are with me in the Blazer.” He then asks, “where are you taking then?” When I said I was taking them home, I swear the sky got dark and a tornado quickly swept through. He was not happy and he sure let me know it. “Why do you do these thing? Where are you going to put them? I told you to wait. I don’t have time for this!” Amongst many other things that were said. I told him they were only 4 weeks old and that I already had a brooder made up and ready and that would give me plenty of time to figure out their permanent housing.

I got home with my babies and set up the brooder and placed them all in. They quickly settled in and began chirping away, eating and drinking. I sat and watched them for what felt like hours. I couldn’t believe it. I finally had my chickens!
I recognize a seabright, silky, and barred rock (I think)
You do mean on your pants right? 😂 Or have never been bit by a ladybug. Little buggars pack a punch with their bites. I went through a phase of about 30 years when I was a ladybug favorite. I've been bit like 20 times. It really hurts lol. Now I see them a d they are like bees to me- cute but get away! 🐞🐞🐞🐞
Hey Tropical I have biting lady bugs here also, they are an introduced species of Asian lady bug and they bite!!! Hard!

How are things? Has lady spider had her babies?

Woke this morning to this crap....


Thank fully the gals still have their winter coats!

Hey Tropical I have biting lady bugs here also, they are an introduced species of Asian lady bug and they bite!!! Hard!

How are things? Has lady spider had her babies?

Woke this morning to this crap....

View attachment 3066851

Thank fully the gals still have their winter coats!

View attachment 3066855
Oh my goodness. Looks beautiful from where I am sitting. Winter skipped us and spring spit on us yesterday. I am dreading summer but am trying to work on my acceptance.

Have not seen Teran since that last photo and have not spied any babies. Wondering if the geckos got her. I have seen a few of her cousins in the shop and at the pasture.

A little sunshine and warmth for you 🌈🏝
Hope you get to spy some green soon. 🌱
Oh my goodness. Looks beautiful from where I am sitting. Winter skipped us and spring spit on us yesterday. I am dreading summer but am trying to work on my acceptance.

Have not seen Teran since that last photo and have not spied any babies. Wondering if the geckos got her. I have seen a few of her cousins in the shop and at the pasture.View attachment 3068744View attachment 3068748
A little sunshine and warmth for you 🌈🏝
Hope you get to spy some green soon. 🌱
Oh beautiful flowers! And of course the geegees too 🐎

I am hoping my magnolia tree flowers, it's been really cold sure hope the buds didn't get frosted.
In the mean time, if anyone has any suggestions or ideas to help my Johnny, I’ve posted the thread link 😔

Thread 'Sick Serama Roo'
Does he have any poop? His comb looks a little blue at the tips. A little dehydrated? I'd be inclined to think nutrition. I had a roo pretty much starve himself while taking care of his ladies once so I always keep an eye on a good roo.
Keep him apart (just in case) and keep doing what you are doing. Seems he needs a recharge to start. Hopefully you will see him react well to some tlc. ♡♡♡

Welcome back and I look forward to your update.

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