Black Australorp Genders (lots of pics)

Pullets normally wont show that big of comb and waddles at 6 weeks. Note the thickness of the legs on your boys too. I've had several breeds and waddles appeared around the 9th week. My one roo this year had waddles starting at 4 weeks and is 7 weeks now looking much your boys. He's a blue Orpington.

Find pullets that are as close to the same size as you can. As it's Claudia Jeans home turf she'll have the upper hand so them being a little larger wont matter. Finding a breed you want of age will be tricky but doable if your willing to travel for them. Craigslist is an awesome resource. got three roos there...sorry

My BA roo is now 9 weeks and he looked just like they did at 7 weeks.

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