Black Australorp.... pullets or cockerel??


7 Years
Jul 13, 2016
These ladies?? are about 11 weeks old. My daughter's 2nd grade class hatched them so they were just straight run. I still think they are hens and I swear I stare at them for hours everyday trying to figure out what they are. Every once in awhile, one will make a sound that almost sounds like an attempt at a crow. I've caught the smaller one doing it. But I still believe they are pullets. We can't have roosters here in town so I'm just hoping we don't have to rehome them and order new pullets. I'm not seeing curling tail feathers or pointy saddle and neck feathers but it could be too early also.


So this is a cockerel?! The chicken is a bully and so is the other Black australorp, Neither crows but they intimidate my Easter Egger Rooster and go face to face with each other with heads down and neck feathers all out.
These ladies?? are about 11 weeks old. My daughter's 2nd grade class hatched them so they were just straight run. I still think they are hens and I swear I stare at them for hours everyday trying to figure out what they are. Every once in awhile, one will make a sound that almost sounds like an attempt at a crow. I've caught the smaller one doing it. But I still believe they are pullets. We can't have roosters here in town so I'm just hoping we don't have to rehome them and order new pullets. I'm not seeing curling tail feathers or pointy saddle and neck feathers but it could be too early also.

Both are very well developed cockerels. Very clearly visible male saddle feathers and very red combs.

The three black birds in this picture are Australorp pullets, age 12 weeks. Just look at the difference in the combs and the back feathers.

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